Tuesday, December 11, 2012

PM Note: 'The Cliff' From Detroit, 'Right to Work' from D.C., Waning Pax Americana, Tim Scott vs. Colbert

Waning Pax Americana - U.S. Intelligence Sees China Overtaking U.S. Economy by 2030 - http://abcn.ws/UtZHXK (Ryan)

The 'Cliff', as Viewed from Detroit - Devin Dwyer reports: If President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner are making any progress towards a "fiscal cliff" deal, Obama didn't hint at it today during his campaign-style stop in suburban Detroit. Obama is using the trip to highlight the jobs news as a bright spot in uncertain economic times, while trying to bolster his image as a "warrior for the middle class." Before a backdrop of auto workers, Obama renewed his push to extend for 98 percent of Americans the current tax rates which are set to expire at the end of the year. But even as the president has carried on with his public pressure, there are some signs of progress back in Washington. The president met with Boehner in person for the first time in 23 days to discuss the fiscal cliff on Sunday. There was no apparent resolution, but the two camps issued the same statement afterward. http://abcn.ws/Rl86Cp

'Right to Work' in Michigan, as Viewed from Washington - Michigan is smack dab in the middle of a heated battle over controversial right-to-work legislation, and on Monday, before several hundred UAW workers and the Michigan Democratic congressional delegation, President Obama waded into a brewing fight over the pending legislation that would curb union influence across the state? If the bill is passed and signed Tuesday, which is when the legislature reconvenes in the state, Michigan will become the 24th right-to-work state, and Snyder will likely face a political backlash in the state that gave birth to the U.S. labor movement. (Hartfield and Dwyer) http://abcn.ws/T2nMas

Where in the World Is Mitt Romney? - From Disneyland to Ringside Seats in Vegas - http://abcn.ws/W0V4aL

Daniel Inouye in the Hospital - Marks 50 Years in the Senate in January - http://abcn.ws/RZEbzM

Colin Powell Lobbies for Abortion Coverage for Military Rape Victims - http://abcn.ws/UQuYsq (Miller)

Colbert vs. Tim Scott - The race one poll suggests South Carolinians want, but we're pretty sure Nikki Haley, the only voter, is not considering - http://abcn.ws/RZMBao

From ABC Univision - Colorado Compact - A dairy farmer, a bishop and a Latino rights advocate all signed a compact. It sounds like the start to a bad joke, but it's actually an attempt in one of the nation's most compelling swing states to recognize the importance of immigration reform. Following a year and a half of about 200 meetings and planning sessions, Senator Michael Bennet, D-Colo., and former Senator Hank Brown, R-Colo.,unveiled what they are calling the Colorado Compact on Sunday at the University of Denver. Nearly 100 diverse signatories, from Latino outreach groups to state agriculture groups, signed the compact, which is "an effort to convene and promote a reasonable conversation on immigration in Colorado that could lead to real and lasting federal reform." http://abcn.ws/TMbGRC

Latinos Favor Tax Increases for Wealthy to Solve Fiscal Cliff - http://abcn.ws/VNfoAf

Obama Meets Psy Amid Flap Over Rapper's Anti-U.S. Lyrics - The rapper apologized for his 2004 performance before shaking hands with the president at a Washington Christmas concert. http://abcn.ws/X0ch3f

The Lone Star State Not Going It Alone Just Yet - Or Probably Ever - Texas is waiting for President Obama's reaction to a petition demanding it be allowed to secede from the United States. They may have to keep waiting. http://abcn.ws/SRV51k

A New Pre-Existing Condition Charge - From the AP's Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar - Your medical plan is facing an unexpected expense, so you probably are, too. It's a new, $63-per-head fee to cushion the cost of covering people with pre-existing conditions under President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul. The charge, buried in a recent regulation, works out to tens of millions of dollars for the largest companies, employers say. Most of that is likely to be passed on to workers. http://abcn.ws/VzqTVW

Also Read

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/pm-note-cliff-detroit-d-c-waning-pax-234241053--abc-news-politics.html

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